Following up on my earlier posts on contour lines, I have devised a method and a script which takes care of another issue that comes with generating contours from a DEM. The script can be found at the bottom of this page.
The problem can be seen above. Contours tend to get close to or even intersect with waterbodies. This is not unexpected as the lakes may be generalized in their shape or not conform exactly to the DEM for other reasons.
These contours are not very effective in their task and contribute to an overall disorganized appearance of the map. Cleaning up the contours by hand is time-consuming. An automated way of fixing this would be desirable.
Above are the resulting contours. There is a consistent minimum distance to all waterbodies and no collisions.
This is how the script works under the hood:
The output file can then be used to generate contours.
NB: There will be some jagged edges around lakes, I recommend adding a 1 px Gaussian blur to the output DEM to smooth these out.
#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Missing arguments. Syntax:" echo " dem.tif lakes.gpkg scale[50/25] desired_contour_interval" exit 2 fi set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail dem="$1" lakes="$2" scale="$3" desired_interval="$4" halfInterval=$(echo $4/2 | bc -l) #Get meters per pixel of DEM pixelsize=$(gdalinfo $dem | grep Pixel | sed 's/Pixel Size = //g' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' | awk -F ',' '{ print $1 }') #Get extent of DEM gdaltindex extent.geojson $dem EXTENT=$(ogrinfo -al -so extent.geojson | grep Extent | sed 's/Extent: //g' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' | sed 's/ - /, /g') rm extent.geojson # Hack to make qgis_process happy export PROJ_LIB=/Applications/ # For each lake polygon, get the median value from the DEM, save to "_median"-column /Applications/ run \ native:zonalstatisticsfb --distance_units=meters --area_units=m2 --ellipsoid=EPSG:7019 \ --INPUT=${lakes} --INPUT_RASTER=${dem} --RASTER_BAND=1 --COLUMN_PREFIX=_ --STATISTICS=3 \ --OUTPUT=lakes_zonal.gpkg # Set buffer size depending on scale if [ $scale = 25 ] then bufferDistance=8 elif [ $scale = 50 ] then bufferDistance=16 fi # Buffer lake polygons /Applications/ run \ native:buffer --distance_units=meters --area_units=m2 --ellipsoid=EPSG:7019 \ --INPUT='lakes_zonal.gpkg|layername=lakes_zonal' \ --DISTANCE=$bufferDistance --SEGMENTS=5 --END_CAP_STYLE=0 --JOIN_STYLE=0 --MITER_LIMIT=2 --DISSOLVE=false --OUTPUT=lakes_zonal_buf.gpkg # Restrict lake elevation values to be as far as possible from contour interval values, save value to column roundedElevation /Applications/ run \ native:fieldcalculator --distance_units=meters --area_units=m2 --ellipsoid=EPSG:7019 \ --INPUT='lakes_zonal_buf.gpkg|layername=lakes_zonal_buf' --FIELD_NAME=roundedElevation --FIELD_TYPE=0 --FIELD_LENGTH=0 \ --FIELD_PRECISION=0 --FORMULA="(round(((\"_median\"-${halfInterval})/${desired_interval}))*${desired_interval})+${halfInterval}" \ --OUTPUT=lakes_zonal_rounded.gpkg unset PROJ_LIB # Burn a raster with our buffered polygons with modified elevation values using same extent and pixel size as the input DEM gdal_rasterize -te $EXTENT -a "roundedElevation" -a_nodata 0 -tr $pixelsize $pixelsize lakes_zonal_rounded.gpkg lakes_zonal.tif # Merge the new raster with the original $dem lakes_zonal.tif -o dem_waterfix.tif listgeo -tfw dem_waterfix.tif rm lakes_zonal*
Happy mapping! Till next time.
August 25, 2023